Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My analysis of Frank Guinta's proposed tax cap



The problem with Massachusetts' state finances is that the commonwealth is the #1 per capita debtor state in the nation. It has a low bond rating, which makes debt finance payments and borrowing very costly, which caused the Legislature to raise the sales tax by 25%. The tax cap may cause the same effect on Manchester, NH, which has over $300 million in bond debt and continues to borrow. A lower bond rating will raise taxes! That is my logic, analysis and proof.

Massachusetts' flawed financial formula:

Proposition 2.5 + "Big Dig" + other Debts = tax hike!

Frank Guinta's flawed financial formula for Manchester, NH before he tries to go to Capitol Hill:

+$300 million in bond debts + new borrowing + tax cap = tax hike!

By Jonathan Melle, 7/28/2009



Re: I am seriously concerned about Frank Guinta in politics!

Mayor Frank Guinta is my concern because (a) I lived in Manchester for 4 years from 1/2005 - 2/2009; (b) He is running for national office in 2010 and would, if elected, represent both NH-01 CD & the USA on Capitol Hill; (c) He has NO PROBLEMS pointing out the flaws in other people, but cannot admit when he is wrong about something. Mayor Guinta persecuted former Manchester City Clerk Carol Johnson for not handling a criminal situation appropriately, but then WAIT, Guinta was at the scene of a bar fight and it took him 6 days after the incident to call the police! AND, Frank Guinta is the MAYOR of Manchester! But WAIT, he has been late on city tax and fee payments time and time again! AND, Frank Guinta is -- you guessed it -- the MAYOR of Manchester! He was asked by the 8 Aldermen about who and where his outside funding source is, but WAIT, he would not disclose any information about his unknown backer from an unknown location far away from the Queen City. I wonder if this group is now backing Guinta in his quest for glory next year. Oh, it does matter!!!!

- Jonathan Melle


If the "Right to Know" is so important, then why did not Mayor Frank Guinta disclose to the 8 dissenting Aldermen who is his funding source source for the tax cap and how much money did his political organization receive from the unknown entity? I would like to know if this is the same special interest supporting his 2010 candidacy for US Congress against Democratic Party Incumbent Carol Shea-Porter! Frank Guinta is full of hypocrisy! He loves to point his finger at others without looking in the proverbial mirror! To illustrate, take the termination of former City Clerk Carol Johnson. Guinta was very upset that she did not properly report an incident of theft. Now, it has been reported that Guinta was at the scene of a bar fight and it took him 6 days to report the incident to the police. Frank Guinta has one standard for himself and another for everyone else. He is a man of very poor character!

- Jonathan Melle


Hey, Mr. Melle.....you worry about Amherst...we will worry about Manchester.
I do so love the new pavement on 122 that sucking up to the democrat power machine got you guys...yea, right...stimulus

- John, Manchester


Jonathan Melle, Amherst

By the rules of being a 501 (c)(4), the NH Advantage Coalition is not compelled to disclose its funding source. MoveOn.org Civic Action (formerly: MoveOn.org) is another example of a 501 (c)(4). Why not complain about them? Because they're a liberal group? Because they're not Frank Guinta?

Both conservative and liberal groups hide behind the veil that 501 (c)(4) provides them. If you don't like it then devote your efforts to changing the law. You need to expand your view of the world to beyond just bashing Frank Guinta.

- David R, Manchester



Frank Guinta is a lover of hate. Guinta banned Human Rights movies in Manchester High Schools, including the classic "The Diary of Anne Frank" produced with the help of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. The Manchester Public School System has failed under Mayor Guinta's lack of leadership. Guinta proposed budgets that would have eliminated all arts, music and sports programs that enrich the lives of young adults. Guinta has raised regressive taxes and fees at rates above annual inflation numbers. He greatly diminished the city's emergency account. When at the scene of a bar fight, Guinta waited 6 days to report the incident to the police. Yet, he persecuted a city clerk for not handling a theft appropriately. Frank Guinta proposed year after year eliminating dental benefits to poor school children who would otherwise never see a dentist to save the city a few extra dollars. Guinta to this day won't disclose his financial backers and lobbyist connections for his spending cap organization. Guinta used the Mayor's Office as a stepping stone to high elected office, thereby doing a disservice to the people by raising their taxes, diminishing their emergency accounts, failing on public education, banning Human Rights movies, persecuting a city clerk, and running a nasty campaign against Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter. Guinta is the most DISGUSTING politician and WORST Mayor EVER!

- Jonathan Melle



  1. You can't be serious? I see you are a support of that moron Shea-Porter who is destroying the country with that dangerous idealogue Hussein Obama? That tells me a lot.

    I'm not sure what 'funding' you are talking about? Who needs funding to defund taxes??? LOL it doesn't even make sense.

    You didn't mind all the gay funding for the legislature this year did you, or the MoveOn funding or Soros money or UN money pouring in to support income taxes.

    There is no funding necessary to vote for a tax cap... and we're voting for LESS taxes... so I'm not sure how Guinta would have benefited by any 'funding'.????

    He knows a tax cap would be a good idea and supports it, period.. No money needed to 'fund' anything.

  2. PS - if you are so worried about 'corporations' where is your outrage that Obama just gave $23 Trillion to his bankster fraudster friends in the EU so they could control us?

    Shame on you, please get a clue.
