Monday, July 20, 2009

Before Team Guinta there was Team Sarah




"Local Palin group forms"
By Brian Lawson,, October 2, 2008

MANCHESTER--A number of New Hampshire women have formed a group dedicated to support Gov. Sarah Palin's quest for the vice-presidency.

The group, "Team Sarah-New Hampshire," is part of the national "Team Sarah" organization.

"Sarah Palin shows us a new vision in politics and a new face in politics," Shannon McGinley, a Bedford political activist, said at a press conference.

McGinley also said that in tonight's vice-presidential "if Sarah Palin is allowed to be Sarah Palin she'll do just fine."

Mayor Frank Guinta (R-Manchester) also attended the press conference.

"I really see Sarah bringing a lot of opportunity to this country," Guinta said.

The group said they will help with get out the vote efforts and educate voters about Palin's policy positions.

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Category: President
Tags: New Hampshire, Sarah Palin, Team Sarah, Frank Guinta, Shannon McGinley

Press release
NH: 'Team Sarah' to hold rally, press conference in Manchester
October 01, 2008, 6:10 PM

MANCHESTER - "Team Sarah - New Hampshire" will hold a press conference and rally in support of Governor Sarah Palin at City Hall Plaza in Manchester at 10am on Thursday, October 2, 2008.

“Team Sarah - New Hampshire” is a coalition of women dedicated to advancing and defending Sarah Palin's Vice-Presidential candidacy.

The group invites supporters from across the state to come to Manchester to show support for Governor Palin on the day of the Vice-Presidential debate.

Shannon McGinley, a mother and political activist from Bedford comments, "Sarah Palin is the perfect VP candidate. She embodies authentic feminism, real executive experience and an everyday appeal. These qualities, when taken together, energize New Hampshire women in ways never seen before.”

New Hampshire State Representative Nancy Elliott remarks, "Sarah Palin’s reputation as a reformer is more than just talk. She has undertaken the tough job of cleaning up corruption in Alaska’s old boys club. Clearly she knows what works – as Alaska Governor she attained approval ratings over eighty percent! And she did it all while raising a great family with the help of her husband, Todd. Governor Palin is a role model for what true feminism is: powerful, principled and beautiful."

"Sarah Palin gives us a new face in politics – but it’s a face that reflects so many real New Hampshire women - the same women who have been ignored and disenfranchised by mainstream political candidates. She is a leader who understands the balance between family life and public service – a feat that resonates with women across our state,” added Ann Marie Banfield, an education activist and mother from Bedford.

Governor Palin supporters are encouraged to sign-in on and find a “group” that reflects their support for Sarah. Granite State residents are encouraged to sign into “Team Sarah – New Hampshire.”


Sarah Palin


"Score one for Sarah: Where are Hodes, Shea-Porter?"
The New Hampshire Union Leader, Editorial, Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sarah Palin is being criticized for her use of the term "death panels" regarding an aspect of Obama's health care proposal. But whether she was being carelessly overdramatic or deliberately trying to mislead or a bit of both, she ended up making an important point that may have otherwise gone unaddressed in this confusing legislation that Democrats are trying to rush into law.

Meanwhile, New Hampshire's own Democratic representatives to Washington seem less than interested in using this congressional recess to hear from the general public in an unfettered way on an issue that has certainly captured public attention and created great uncertainty.

Sometimes it takes a particular phrase to crystallize a point and focus public attention. Here in New Hampshire, the "view tax" has done that with the issue of property tax valuations. Years ago, the "snack tax" summed up state attempts to improperly apply the rooms-and-meals tax to sandwiches or packaged crackers purchased at the grocery.

Palin's reference to "death panels" surely concentrated the public's mind on the murky language in the Democrats' health bill's references to funding for "end-of-life consultations."

Columnist Kathleen Parker, while faulting Palin's phrasing, nonetheless noted, "the bill is an enabling document that leaves great discretion to the secretary of health and human services to develop guidelines that ultimately could change the character of what seems to be offered. In just one of dozens of examples, the bill leaves it to the secretary to develop 'quality measures' on end-of-life care and advanced care planning."

Parker said the language was in great need of clarification.

U.S. senators working on a version of the health care overhaul have decided to drop the entire "end-of-life" segments and they did so not just because of the way they could be misinterpreted but, Sen. Chuck Grassley said, the way the provisions could be "implemented incorrectly."

Score one for Sarah Palin.

As of this writing, however, U.S. Reps. Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter have scheduled no open public forums to discuss either the healthcare legislation or any other matters. (Hodes has met with residents of a single retirement home in Hanover.)

Are they reluctant to hear unfiltered, unscreened questions and feedback on this important bill from their constituents in a forum in which other constituents can also hear and participate?

We know Hodes says he hasn't the time to read the bill.

But since Obama wants them to vote on this next month, shouldn't Hodes and Shea-Porter at least open themselves up to questions and concerns about it?

Sara Palin lives in an intellectual vacuum; she offers nothing in the way of rational advice and never has. She can't talk, she can't govern, she can't mother, and she sure can't win a national election, though I sincerely hope that she tries. I need a laugh.
- Tom, Dover-Foxcroft, Me.

Rumor had it tha Carol was going to quietly visit some senior citizen homes. When asked mid month about her shedule to meet wit the rest of her constituents her staff had done no planning for her. "Currently, my staff and I are making arrangements for the district work period and have not yet finalized a schedule. I encourage you to sign up for my e-newsletter where I will announce any public events I plan on holding in the district. You can subscribe to my newsletter by visiting my website at" I might consider replacing a few staffers who can't think ahead. Judd and Jeannie are very busy too but Judd will be travelling and unable to meet.
- Paul, Dover

Palin keeps a little box of crazy by her bed at night.
How can anyone take her seriously?
- chris, warner

Of course, the original proposal came from a true blue Republican, Johnny Isaakson of Georgia. This has nothing whatsoever to do with 'death panels', as that ignoramus from Alaska puts it - it simply permits Medicare funding for the kind of consoling advice for terminally ill patients that hospices have historically provided. There's nothing mandatory in any of the proposals - it's simply a resource for those who want this sort of counseling in the last stages of their lives.

As for reading the bills - why not ask Judd Gregg or Sununu the Lesser if they read the full text of any of the tax reduction proposals they so happily voted for? Or maybe supplemental appropriations for the Iraq boondoggle? I don't recall the U-L advocating best practices when W and his acquiescent Congress were ramming those down our throats.
- zoot, Manchester

- Alan, Derry

No doubt neither Hodes nor Porter has read the bill yet (there are 4 versions).
Even the president has not read it.
- Bob, Salem


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