Thursday, July 23, 2009

Frank Guinta hires a hack GOP VIRGINIA-based firm to head his polling operation in New Hampshire. & Related News...



GUINTA'S NEW POLLSTER. Republican Frank Guinta's campaign for the 1st District U.S. House seat will has added a pollster.

Virginia-based consultant On Message, Inc., joined the campaign yesterday. Heading the polling operation for Guinta will be Graham Schaffer, a familiar name to Republican operatives in the state.

Schaffer is a former field director with the Republican National Committee and ran the Steve Forbes' 2000 campaign for President in New Hampshire.

On Message has also done extensive polling for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

The campaign is also organizing a grassroots leadership team, "Victory 2010," whose members will be announced in a couple of weeks.

"The goal is to put together the best grassroots team a Republican has had in this state in years," says campaign chairman Michael Biundo, who was the deputy campaign manager of Pat Buchanan's 1996 campaign, which had a strong ground game.

"LITTLE WIZ" OUT. It's still early, but as Guinta gears up, the 1st District GOP field seems to be clearing for him.

The latest to confirm he will not be a congressional candidate is Jim Wieczorek, who said he has recently married and is now renovating a home.

WAITING IN LINE. At a recent House committee markup of a health care bill, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter drew attention form her "friends" in the GOP when she noted that a Republican congressman had complained that nationalized health care would force many Americans to wait in line for medical care.

"Many of my constituents would love to wait in line for medical care," Shea-Porter said. "They're yanked out of line because they don't have coverage."


While Shea-Porter was saying that waiting in line for health care is better than no health care at all, the National Republican Congressional Committee said through spokesman Paul Lindsay that Shea-Porter somehow supports having people wait in line for such care.

If she "believes her constituents want to stand in line for medical care, she has a big surprise in store for her the next time she returns to New Hampshire," said Lindsay. "Not only is the Democrat's government-run health care plan as expensive and unpopular as the failed stimulus bill, it will do nothing but drive up costs to consumers and force millions of middle-class families out of their current coverage."

State Democratic spokesman Bonney said, "Leave it to the Republicans to mischaracterize a point that everyone already agrees on: real health care reform is overdue and cannot wait. Millions of uninsured and under insured Americans want access to quality, affordable health care now but it seems Republicans are determined to stand in their way. While Democratic leaders have put forth serious proposals to fix our broken health care system, Republicans have sat on the sidelines and offered no solutions."
SOURCE: John DiStaso's Granite Status: "Jim Merrill officially joins Ovide's team" (The NH Union Leader, By John DiStaso, senior political reporter for the New Hampshire Union Leader, July 23, 2009)

"Guinta attracts political sharpshooters"
Nashua Telegraph, By Kevin Landrigan, May 3, 2010

Republican congressional candidate Frank Guinta of Manchester has attracted an ex-US House hopeful to his team.

Former, Second District candidate Michael Hammond has agreed to chair a Second Amendment coalition for Guinta this fall.

Hammond worked as a staff director for national gun owner organizations before and after Hammond tried to unseat then Congressman Bass in 1996.

Managing Hammond’s campaign back then was none other than GOP operative Paul Collins who this week decided to leave as full-time manager of Binnie’s campaign to direct Guinta’s rival congressional bid of Sean Mahoney.

Other Guinta pro-gun supporters joining the team include former Rep. Howard Crowe Dickinson of Center Conway, Andover State Rep. Jennifer Coffey, Alton Rep. Laurie Boyce and NH Wildlife Federation Treasurer Rick Olson.

They will also serve as Guinta’s co-chairmen of his Second Amendment coalition.

First District GOP candidate Bob Bestani got the support of his own pro-gun leader, Ralph Demico, owner of Riley’s Sport Shop in Hooksett.

“We need to stand with our loyal allies; that’s why I am supporting our friend, Bob Bestani, for Congress in New Hampshire’s First District,’’ Demico said in a statement.

“We have a real opportunity to help elect a vocal advocate for our Second Amendment rights to Congress.’’


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