Monday, June 8, 2009

Frank Guinta sends Manchester in the wrong direction!



Manchester Express - Opinions - June 8 - 14, 2009 - Page 13

"We’re heading in the wrong direction"

To the Editor,

This year’s Manchester taxes compared to Nashua and Salem; all number are per $1.000 of evaluation: City/town tax:

Manchester, $8.05; Nashua $6.50; Salem, $4.75.

Local education tax: Manchester, $5.98; Nashua, $7.79; Salem, $6.05.

State education tax: Manchester, $2.28; Nashua $2.25; Salem, $2.16.

County tax, Manchester, $1.04; Nashua, $1.01; Salem, 88 cents.

In Manchester, we’re clearly taxed much, much more for our municipal government and a bit less for schools.

The recently passed budget keeps the schools spending roughly flat, while raising the city spending. The state is giving the schools an additional $7.4 million next year, but the schools will lose $1.5 million in Bedford tuition. Additionally, the state will not be granting $4 million in revenue sharing. Given this information estimated rates for Manchester for next year will be: City tax: $9.24, up 15 percent; local education: $5.58, down 10 percent.

I hope this is the direction people in Manchester want to take this city. Most of the people I know think it is the wrong direction.

Peter Sorrentino
Manchester, N.H.

Frank Guinta on Public Education

Manchester voters & children should throw Mayor Frank Guinta OUT of political office!

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