Thursday, June 25, 2009

Frank Guinta misuses his office for his own political gain!



The New Hampshire Union Leader, Vol. 147, No. 74, Wednesday, June 24, 2009
OPINION: Letters

"Why is Guinta e-mailing me for solicitations?"

To the Editors:

How is it that the mayor of Manchester can send e-mails to people that he doesn't know except through political channels? I have been solicited for political purposes, but usually it is because I have gone to a Web site and signed up or gone to a rally and signed up or gone to a meeting about the individual and signed up!

I did not sign up to be a part of Mayor Frank Guinta's political campaign for a U.S. House seat and yet I keep getting e-mail after e-mail that asks for my help and support in his campaign. I would certainly hope that he is not using his office as mayor of our fine city to get e-mail addresses for solicitation purposes. That would not be kosher, would it?

901 Chestnut Street, Manchester

Monday, June 8, 2009

Frank Guinta sends Manchester in the wrong direction!



Manchester Express - Opinions - June 8 - 14, 2009 - Page 13

"We’re heading in the wrong direction"

To the Editor,

This year’s Manchester taxes compared to Nashua and Salem; all number are per $1.000 of evaluation: City/town tax:

Manchester, $8.05; Nashua $6.50; Salem, $4.75.

Local education tax: Manchester, $5.98; Nashua, $7.79; Salem, $6.05.

State education tax: Manchester, $2.28; Nashua $2.25; Salem, $2.16.

County tax, Manchester, $1.04; Nashua, $1.01; Salem, 88 cents.

In Manchester, we’re clearly taxed much, much more for our municipal government and a bit less for schools.

The recently passed budget keeps the schools spending roughly flat, while raising the city spending. The state is giving the schools an additional $7.4 million next year, but the schools will lose $1.5 million in Bedford tuition. Additionally, the state will not be granting $4 million in revenue sharing. Given this information estimated rates for Manchester for next year will be: City tax: $9.24, up 15 percent; local education: $5.58, down 10 percent.

I hope this is the direction people in Manchester want to take this city. Most of the people I know think it is the wrong direction.

Peter Sorrentino
Manchester, N.H.

Frank Guinta on Public Education

Manchester voters & children should throw Mayor Frank Guinta OUT of political office!

Frank Guinta LIED on his promise to improve public education!



Manchester Express - Opinions - June 8 - 14, 2009 - Page 12

"Guinta didn’t keep his word on schools"

To the Editor,

My name is Lisa Frisselle. I am a lifelong Manchester resident who attended local schools, starting in 1967 in Mrs. George’s Kindergarten class at Mr. Shea’s Hallsville School and graduating from Central High in 1981. I love Manchester. She offers an environment of cultural and economic diversity which I value. I have owned a home in the south end for 21 years.

During Frank Guinta’s campaign for mayor in 2005, he published an opinion letter in the Union Leader titled, “After six years, it is time for action in the mayor’s office.” He accused Mayor Bob Baines of not living up to his campaign promises for public safety, education and making a plan for Manchester’s future. Frank Guinta made a pledge to reduce taxes, increase public safety and improve our education. He said, “Our schools are overcrowded, our textbooks are outdated, our schools are lined by portable classrooms and for the second year in a row our schools have been redflagged as “in need of improvement” by the federal government. Within the last paragraph of his opinion letter published in October 2005, he promises to develop comprehensive plans and to work to implement the plans that he has already developed.

Mayor Guinta, you said that you have developed plans to improve our schools. Please tell us what they are. You promised to improve our education, increase public safety and reduce Manchester’s tax rate.
The last words of the paragraph are “And I will keep my word.”

Frank Guinta has been Manchester’s mayor for over three years. As mayor, he is the chairman of the school board. He has more control than any other person concerning the direction Manchester is heading.

Before Frank Guinta became mayor, three Manchester schools were listed as “in need of improvement.” Three years later, every school in our district is now listed as “in need of improvement” and three schools are on the state’s list for “corrective action.”

Mayor Guinta, it is now time to explain to us what these comprehensive plans are that you developed over three years ago to improve education. Remember, you said that you would KEEP YOUR WORD. Mayor Guinta needs to be accountable for his campaign promise to improve Manchester’s education standing. Again, he said that he would KEEP HIS WORD.

I purchased my home 21 years ago with the understanding that New Hampshire does not have a sales tax or income tax and that the burden of covering the expenses to run the city is on the property owner. It’s just the way it is. Bedford has decided
to give their teachers a salary increase this year. This salary increase contributed to Bedford’s property tax rate increase. Educating their children is a priority and they decided that it is worth the increase in taxes. Why is it so difficult in Manchester to make our children’s education a priority?

I am asking all of the aldermen to make Manchester’s school system a priority. I cannot afford a private school education for my daughter. I can afford a tax increase to cover the costs of our school district and city services.

We have a choice to invest in our schools to create an environment where families want to live or we can neglect the needs of our children and create an environment where families will pack up and leave as soon as they can afford to get out of town.

Lisa Frisselle
Manchester, N.H.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Frank Guinta - A featured speaker at the Flag Day Picnic on 6/14/2009 hosted by the Hillsborough County Republican Committee



"GOP Flag Day picnic is set"
Milford News: The Cabinet Press, Inc. - - Thursday, Jun. 4, 2009

The Hillsborough County Republican Committee will host a Flag Day Picnic on Sunday, June 14 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Barbara C. Harris Conference Center and Campground in Greenfield. Tickets are available for purchase from Hillsborough County GOP members or by mail.

The event is open to the public. Guest speakers will focus on the U.S. Constitution, the national and state political climates, and a wide range of other current political topics. Attendees will enjoy a full picnic style meal prepared and served by the Harris Center staff that will include hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, salad, and other refreshments.

A raffle and silent auction will be ongoing throughout the event with prizes including a private sightseeing flight out of Nashua airport, framed artwork, designer sunglasses, Goebel collectibles, U.S. Senate memorabilia, gift baskets and gift certificates. The beach will also be open for swimming and water activities.

Featured speakers include former Congressman Charles Bass, GOP Congressional candidate and Nashua radio talk show host Jennifer Horn, former GOP gubernatorial candidate Ovide Lamontagne, Manchester Mayor and recently announced candidate for the First Congressional District Frank Guinta, Bedford columnist Dr. William Martel and others. Serving as master of ceremonies for the event will be former Congressional candidate Grant Bosse.

Picnic attendees are invited to contribute to a collection of items to be given to the residents of the Liberty House Veterans Shelter in Manchester. Items requested include food such as canned goods, cereals, pasta, juices, bread, potatoes, coffee, gasoline station gift cards, gift cards for supermarkets, liquid laundry detergent, paper towels and toilet paper, summer clothing and sneakers sizes 8 to 13. Cash donations for the shelter will also be collected.

Tickets for the picnic are $25 for adults and $150 for children under 12 and may be purchased by mail from Gerrie Porter, PO Box 542, Amherst, NH 03031-0542. Ticket purchase arrangements may also be made by e-mail to Fred Plett at Deadline for ticket purchases is Friday, June 5.

The picnic is a fundraiser and a kick-off event for the 2010 election season. Proceeds will be used to recruit and support Republican candidates representing the 29 towns in Hillsborough County in the 2010 elections. The membership of the Hillsborough County Republican Committee includes registered Republicans who reside in one of the 29 towns in the county. Additional information about the committee and its county-wide membership roster can be found on the Hillsborough GOP Web site at

For further event information, please contact Fred Plett at 660-0732 or by e-mail at

"The Hillsborough County Republican Party holds a Flag Day picnic in Greenfield next Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. at the Barbara C. Harris Conference Center."

"Tickets for the fund-raiser and 2010 campaign kickoff are $25. Speakers will include former congressman Charlie Bass, Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta and Jennifer Horn of Nashua."
Source: "State House Dome: Bruising budget battle beckons" (By TOM FAHEY, State House Bureau Chief, NH Union Leader, Sunday, June 7, 2009.
Frank Guinta on "YouTube" -