Friday, May 15, 2009

Frank Guinta - NOT a "friend" of ALL of the people!

Email Frank Guinta's campaign at:

Receipt of propaganda from Frank Guinta's campaign:


Frank Guinta would like you to join him in his "quest to take back America".

I am running for Congress because I think we are at a pivotal moment in America's history. Our government has become irresponsible. It is broken. Our government has taken on functions it was never intended to perform and that it really does not perform well. Companies around the nation are making difficult sacrifices to stay in business and keep people employed. Local governments are cutting spending and furloughing employees in order to keep taxpayers from facing massive tax hikes. Families are making tough budget cutting decisions in order to send their kids to college or just to make ends meet. Why can't this Congress do the same? It is time to take back our government and make it work for the people again.*

That's why I announced my candidacy for the 1st Congressional District of New Hampshire. I want to help restore good government to America, and prosperity to all.

Please replace "Wal Mart" with "Frank Guinta" -

* Just NOT ALL of the People. Frank Guinta is ANTI-Union - as Mayor of Manchester, NH, he demanded cuts in city worker benefits! Frank Guinta is ANTI-public education - as Mayor of Manchester, he neglected and gutted funding for public education. Frank Guinta is ANTI-Human Rights - as Mayor, he banned ALL Human Rights movies, including "The Diary of Anne Frank" & "Schindler's List" (Jewish), "Roots" & "Hotel Rwanda" (African & African-American), in the city's public schools. JUST WHAT DOES FRANK GUINTA MEAN WHEN HE STATES "join me in my quest to take back America"? The real answer is the Frank Guinta wants to negate all of the legal rights of workers, public schools and students, and Human Rights of minorities, especially the Jewish People, African People, and African Americans. Moreover, Frank Guinta loves to stand up and give public HATE speeches against homosexual couples wanting legal protections via same-sex marriages in New Hampshire!

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