Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Frank Guinta gives gimmicks instead of getting results!



"Check Guinta's record before casting your vote"
seacoastonline.com - Opinion - February 23, 2010

Feb. 19 — To the Editor:

When Republican congressional candidate Frank Guinta was the mayor of Manchester, he promised to reduce crime.

After a pair of shootings occurred in the Wilson Street area, Guinta promised to hire four more police officers, but never provided enough money to make that possible.

Manchester Police Chief David Mara said he expects to start the new fiscal year well short of the 231 officers proposed in Guinta's plan. According to New Hampshire Union Leader columnist Scott Brooks, "Mara said that he expects to start the new fiscal year in July with a roster of 222 officers. He figures he'll lose another five before the year is out. They will not be replaced."

Brooks quotes Manchester Alderman Dan O'Neil, who said, "'This 231 was this press conference thing,' (O'Neil) said at a board meeting earlier this month. Later, in an interview, he added, "'It was a political gimmick by Mayor Guinta.'"

When Guinta was telephoned by Brooks about this issue, his call was never returned. Apparently, Guinta is busy campaigning for Congress and promises he made as the mayor are gone and long forgotten. Voters might do well to listen long and hard to promises Guinta makes as a Republican congressional candidate.

Gary Patton
Hampton, New Hampshire



  1. She-Pot is toast because she ignored the constituents. Stop posting idiotic stuff about Frank... he's going to win. The polls say so. Progressivism is dead. People don't want communism.

  2. She-Pot is an out in the open Marxist. In her own words, she voted with "the party" 93% of the time. The other 7% fits right in with her absentee rate. Don't bother trying to email her as her staffers can't read English as evidenced in the rare response. The computer generated answer doesn't even come close to the question. She took "the oath", but she is not familiar with Our Constitution, let alone support and defend. SHE MUST GO!!!
